Tuesday, April 2, 2013


I have had a rough day today. Not for any particular reason, just extra sensitive to noise, and haven't been feeling well. I have Fibromyalgia, and have developed thyroid issues recently, so on the days I am having "flare ups" I am so much more sensitive to noise, smell, touch, everything. But anyway, I want to talk about dreams. I am a little hesitant to go to sleep tonight because I have been having such crazy dreams lately. Last night I had a very vivid nightmare and it seemed to stick with me throughout the day. It kind of set the tone for my day I guess you could say.

I have always had extremely vivid dreams. Most of the time, I don't mind it. Like when I have dreams about nice things of course. But when I have nightmares that feel very real, then I most definitely do mind it! I have all different kinds of dreams. Last week I dreamt that my family and I were being chased by a "pack" of Bears(I don't think bears even come in packs..?). Anyway, they were coming at us so fast and we couldn't escape no matter where we went to try and hide. They were breaking windows to get into the house and what not. Also, my daughter kept escaping out the back door for some reason and I kept trying to get to her but couldn't. I have had dreams that my husband was cheating on me, and I would wake up so pissed off at him because the dream felt so real. And sometimes dreams like that will stick with me all day (like Deja Vu) and I will have an attitude towards him, or be standoffish because even though I consciously know it was only just a dream, I can't get rid of that feeling of hurt that I felt in the dream about him. And I have absolutely no reason to think he would cheat on me. My husband is amazing, and very loyal. But like I said, when it happens in my dream, it makes me look at him a little differently that day, and I even become a little paranoid if for example, he says he has to work late. Usually I would not think anything of that, but if it's the day after one of those crazy dreams, I get flashbacks of the dream. Wierd, I know..

My dreams also almost always contain water in some way or another. I am either going down a river, trying to get to the other side of a river, in/on a lake, walking through a couple feet of water while doing normal things..etc. I'm not sure why my dreams usually involve water in some way, but they do. I have always loved water, especially as a child, so maybe that is the reason..?

I also used to always have scary dreams about leaving my daughter somewhere on accident(which I've never ever done by the way, just to clarify), or that I can't get to her. When she was a baby until around 3yrs old, I would always have this recurring nightmare that I left her in the car when it was freezing outside. And in my dream, when I walked outside to get her, her head was covered in icicles. She was still alive, but her hair was full of ice.

Anyway, I'm not sure if this vivid, complex dreaming I've always done is an Aspie thing or not.. So please feel free to leave a comment, especially if you dream like me! Thanks :)


  1. Here's just a hypothesis, Lacey: I wonder, given the heightened sensory awareness that people on the autism spectrum have, whether dreaming is a reflection of that heightened ability to "sense". I'm not on the spectrum, so I am only wondering. Your thoughts?
